Get Involved

Make a Difference: Get Involved with Mhendola Fole.

Become a Volunteer

Our volunteers are the backbone of our initiatives. Whether you have a specific skill set to contribute or simply a passion for our cause, we welcome you to join our vibrant team. By volunteering with us, you become an integral part of our journey to promote Tamang identity, culture, and traditions.

Become a Member

Become an official member of Mhendola Fole and contribute directly to our ongoing projects and campaigns. Membership offers a deeper connection to our community, providing exclusive access to events, updates, and a platform to voice your ideas.

Donate & Support

Your generous donations play a crucial role in sustaining our programs and initiatives. Every contribution, no matter the size, contributes to the success of Mhendola Fole. Your support helps us continue our mission of cultural preservation and community engagement.

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